اخواني بعون الله سوف نقوم بإكمال موضوع الترجمة ريثما
تعود الأخت لونا وتكمل الموضوع
أخواني لقد توقفنا عند الصفحة الرابعة من القاموش ولقد قامت الأخت لونا بترجمة الكلمات السبع الأولى
وبقي لدينا 16 كلمة
سنقوم بتقسيمها بالتساوي بين عدد المساهمين
هاهي الكلمات:
adjust (verb) to change something to be more suitable or so that it works better _We will have to adjust the next trial to take account of recent results.
adjustment (noun) 1. a change to improve the setting or position of something _ The brightness needs adjustment.
2. a process of physical change in response to external
environmental changes
adjuvant (noun) something added to improve the effectiveness of something else, e.g. a substance added to a pesticide to make it stick to waxy leaves
adsorb (verb) (of a solid) to bond with a gas or vapour which touches its surface
adsorbent (adjective) capable of adsorption
adsorber noun a device which removes volatile organic compounds from gas by adsorbing them to a carbon filter
adsorption (noun) the bonding of a solid with a gas or vapour which touches its surface
adult (adjective) having reached maturity _takes two years to reach the adult stage _noun an organism that has reached maturity
advanced gas-cooled reactor (noun) a type of nuclear reactor, in which carbon dioxide is used as the coolant and is passed into water tanks to create the steam which will drive the turbines. Abbr AGR
advection (noun) a movement of air in a horizontal direction _ advection fog fog which forms when warmer moist air moves over a colder surface (land or sea) _ compare convection
adventitious (adjective) 1. on the outside or in an unusual place 2. referring to a root which develops from a node on a plant stem and not from another root
adverse (adjective) 1. bad or poor _ Adverse weather conditions delayed planting. 2. harmful or unfavourable _ adverse effects 3. moving in the opposite direction _ adverse winds
adverse health effect (noun) a harmful effect on a person’s health as a result of coming into contact with pollutants or allergens
advisory (adjective) giving advice and information
advisory board, advisory committee noun a group of specialists who can give advice
Advisory Committee on Pesticides (noun) a statutory body set up under the UK Food and Environment Protection Act 1985
to advise on all matters relating to the control of pesticides. Abbr ACP
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