رد مشاركة : يا طلاب العلوم ((وخصوصاً البيئة)) اتحدووووووووا.. لنترجم معاً
Hassaan seems to be in a little bit of a hurry, so with no longer delay, here's the first page of the dictionary:
abate verb to become less strong or intense
_ The wind has abated.
abatement noun a reduction in strength
or intensity _ water pollution abatement
abiotic adjective not relating to a living
a biotic factor noun something which influences
the environment but which is not
produced by living organisms, e.g. wind,
temperature or rainfall. Compare biotic
a biotic stress noun stress caused by the
physical and chemical aspects of an organism’s
a biotic stress resistance noun resistance
in organisms to stress arising from
non-biological causes such as drought or
ablation noun 1. the removal of the top
layer of something 2. the removal of snow
or ice from the surface of a glacier by melting
or by the action of the wind
abort verb 1. to stop a process or the development
of something before it is finished,
or to stop developing _ The flowers
abort and drop off in hot, dry conditions,
with no fruit developing. 2. to give birth before
the usual end of a pregnancy
(technical) Also called miscarry
abrasion noun the wearing away by friction
of a material, especially the erosion of
rock by the action of particles suspended in
water, ice or wind
abscission noun the shedding of a leaf
or fruit due to the formation of a layer of
cells between the leaf or fruit and the rest of
the plant (NOTE: It occurs naturally in autumn,
e.g. leaf fall, or at any time of the year
in response to stress.)
absolute adjective 1. very great _ absolute
confidence in the results 2. complete or
total _ No absolute correlation with climate
change has yet been established. 3.
measured relative to a standard _ noun an
unchanging principle
absorb verb to take something in _ Warm
air absorbs moisture more easily than cold
air. _ Salt absorbs moisture from the air.
absorbent adjective able to absorb
absorption noun the process of taking in
water, dissolved minerals and other nutrients
across cell membranes
absorptive capacity noun the ability
of a substance or part of an organism to take
up something such as moisture or nutrients
abstract noun a short summary of a document
_ It’s quicker to search through the
abstracts than the full text. _ verb 1. to remove
water from a river or other source for
industrial, horticultural or agricultural use
2. to take something such as gas, oil, mineral
resources or gravel from the ground
abstraction noun 1. the removal of water
from a river or other source for industrial,
horticultural or agricultural use 2. the removal
of something such as gas, oil, mineral
resources or gravel from the ground
abstraction licence noun a licence
issued by a regulatory body to allow
abstraction, e.g. of water from a river, lake
or aquifer for domestic or commercial use
such as irrigation
abundance noun 1. a large amount or
number of something _ The area supports
an abundance of wildlife. 2. a measure of
quantity applied to plants or animals, often
based on density or frequency
abundant adjective occurring or available
in large quantities _ a region of abundant
rainfall _ The ocean has an abundant
supply of krill.
abyss noun a very deep part of the sea
abyssal adjective referring to the deepest
part of the sea
abyssobenthic adjective referring to an
organism living on the floor of the deepest
part of a sea or lake
abyssopelagic adjective referring to an
organism living in the deepest part of a sea
or lake, at depths greater than 3000m
acaricide noun a substance used to kill
mites and ticks. Also called acaridicide
acarid noun a small animal which feeds
on plants or other animals by piercing the
outer skin and sucking juices, e.g. a mite or
Acarida noun the order of animals including
mites and ticks. Also called Acarina
acaridicide noun same as acaricide
Because there're only three of us right now. I'll divine the 27 words between us, nine each..
That means: Hassan, You take the first nine.
dody will take the next nine..
and I'll take the rest..
If any one else wanted to participate we'll give him from our shares..