رسائل ماجستير ودكتوراه » الإعلام ووسائل الإتصال

تحميل كتاب Humor and attitude toward homosexuals- The case of Will & Grace

Humor and attitude toward homosexuals- The case of Will & Grace


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تحميل كتاب Responding to crises- A test of the situational crisis communicat

Responding to crises- A test of the situational crisis communicat


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تحميل كتاب Internships in Public Relations and Advertising The Nature of the Experience From the Student's Perspective

Internships in Public Relations and Advertising The Nature of the Experience From the Student's Perspective


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تحميل كتاب Media and USF Students Perception of Terrorism

Media and USF Students Perception of Terrorism


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تحميل كتاب Gaming Literacy- Construct Validation and Scale Construction

Gaming Literacy- Construct Validation and Scale Construction


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تحميل كتاب Social network web sites and intra-organizational relationships-

Social network web sites and intra-organizational relationships-


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تحميل كتاب Media Propaganda A Framing Analysis of Radio Broadcasts from U.S. to Cuba

Media Propaganda A Framing Analysis of Radio Broadcasts from U.S. to Cuba


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تحميل كتاب Government Public Relations- A Quantitative Assessment of Governm

Government Public Relations- A Quantitative Assessment of Governm


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تحميل كتاب News Media Representations of Women in the U.S. Military Post September 11, 2001

News Media Representations of Women in the U.S. Military Post September 11, 2001


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تحميل كتاب Public relations practices in Puerto Rico- An exploratory qualita

Public relations practices in Puerto Rico- An exploratory qualita


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تحميل كتاب Politics journalism and Web 2.0 in the 2008 U.S. presidential el

Politics journalism and Web 2.0 in the 2008 U.S. presidential el


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تحميل كتاب Major league baseball franchises and their minor league players-

Major league baseball franchises and their minor league players-


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تحميل كتاب Headline Hawaii- Racial aloha in kamaaina news

Headline Hawaii- Racial aloha in kamaaina news


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تحميل كتاب Media Perceptions on Sexual Assault on College Campuses

Media Perceptions on Sexual Assault on College Campuses


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تحميل كتاب Sexy sensationalism case study The fascination with celebrity news and why USA Today caters to the obsession

Sexy sensationalism case study The fascination with celebrity news and why USA Today caters to the obsession


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تحميل كتاب Social Media Use During The College Transition

Social Media Use During The College Transition


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تحميل كتاب Organization Public Relationships on Social Media The Experience of Those Who Like Oreo on Facebook

Organization Public Relationships on Social Media The Experience of Those Who Like Oreo on Facebook


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تحميل كتاب Organizational communication and change A case study on the implemenation of an innovation at a Florida medical facility

Organizational communication and change A case study on the implemenation of an innovation at a Florida medical facility


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تحميل كتاب Gatekeeping and citizen journalism A qualitative examination of participatory newsgathering

Gatekeeping and citizen journalism A qualitative examination of participatory newsgathering


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تحميل كتاب Fashion advertising, men's magazines, and sex in advertising A critical-interpretive study

Fashion advertising, men's magazines, and sex in advertising A critical-interpretive study


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تحميل كتاب Hispanic Acculturation and Social Media Engagement A Uses and Gratifications Perspective

Hispanic Acculturation and Social Media Engagement A Uses and Gratifications Perspective


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