رسائل ماجستير ودكتوراه » الإعلام ووسائل الإتصال
Strategizing Relationships 2.0 An Analysis of International Companies' Use of Social Media
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The Cultivation of Eating Disorders Through Instagram
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Understanding Involuntary Job Loss Among Former Newspaper Staff Photographers
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The Accidental Motivator Florida's Medicinal Marijuana Ballot Initiative's Impact on the Youth Vote
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Talking with exotic pet owners Exploratory audience research on wildlife television and human-animal interactions
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The effect of celebrity endorsements on gift-giving purchases An application of the elaboration likelihood model
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The Effect of Doing Good- An Experimental Analysis of the Influence of Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives on Beliefs, Attitudes, and Behavior
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The Effect of Stealth Advertising in Newscasts on Viewers Recall
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The Role of Consumer Gender Identity and Brand Concept Consistency in Evaluating Cross-Gender Brand Extensions
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The Effects of Mission Statement Design on Behavioral Intention
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You Know Who I Am, Don’t You I’m the One They’re Writing About in the Newspapers and on TV
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The Relationship Between American Media Exposure and Trinidadian
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Strategic Messaging in a Political Crisis Testing the Integrated Model for Explaining the Communication Behavior of Publics
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The effect of corporate social responsibility Exploring the relationship among CSR, attitude toward the brand, purchase intention, and persuasion know
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The effect of color congruency and involvement on non-profit organizational messaging
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Speaking Their Language Textisms in Today's Communication
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The Impact of Emojis and Emoticons on Online Consumer Reviews, Perceived Company Response Quality, Brand Relationship, and Purchase Intent.
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Talking with ALS Patients An Exploratory Study of Patient Attitudes toward Mass Messages about ALS
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Sports fans media usage at a Kansas City Chiefs fan club
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On the Convergence of Cinema and Theme Parks Developing a Predictable Model for Creative Design
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Perceptions of programming- Cultivation and third person influenc
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