رسائل ماجستير ودكتوراه » الإعلام ووسائل الإتصال
Examining Endorsement and Viewership Effects on the Source Credibility of YouTubers
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Effects of Task Evaluation Knowledge and Leadership Style on Employee Attitude Toward a Task
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Educational engagement college radio, digital media, and organizational change بعنوان
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Do you see what I mean? Measuring consensus of agreement and understanding of a National Weather Service informational graphic
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Direct-to-Consumer Messaging A Phenomenological Examination of DTC Best Practices
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Cultivating Philanthropy in Community Colleges A Dual-Model Approach
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Crisis Communication and Celebrity Scandal- An Experiment on Response Strategies
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Crimean Referendum- Annexation VS Reunification. Framing Analysis
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Counting or discounting television information An examination of viewer perceptions of old-age from a cognitive processing perspective of cultivation
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Corporate Speech A Frame Anaylsis of CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News Coverage of Citizens United v. FEC
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Contested images- the politics and poetics of appropriation بعنوان
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Consumer Responses to Stereotypical vs. NonStereotypical Depictions of Women in Travel Advertising
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Conceptualizing Social Wealth in the Digital Age- A Mixed Methods
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Communication Behavior Study of Support in the Arts Using the Situational Theory of Publics and the Theory of Reasoned Action
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Communicating During an Organizational Crisis Using Facebook as a Relationship Management Tool
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Chinese National Identity and Media Framing
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Chinese Consumers' Evaluation of Domestic and Foreign Products The Roles of Country of Origin and Product Usage Experience
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Cause-Related Controversy- An Analysis of Corporate Sponsor Response to the Susan G. KomenPlanned Parenthood Crisis
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Body-centered constructivism and lived religion in photojournalis
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Becoming American and maintaining Korean identity through media a case study of Korean married immigrant women in Mizville.org بعنوان
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