رسائل ماجستير ودكتوراه » الإعلام ووسائل الإتصال
Trendingworthiness and prosumers on Weibo social media doxa and consumerism in a ritual field بعنوان
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The politics of memory in journalistic representations of human rights abuses during the Asia-Pacific War بعنوان
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The formation of issue publics during the Great Recession- examining the influences of news media, geography, and demographics بعنوان
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The digital Illusio gender, work and culture in digital game production بعنوان
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Talking about health and health-related issues an inquiry into the social media use of Chinese celebrity physicians and their fans بعنوان
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Social movements YouTube and political activism in authoritarian بعنوان
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Serving sinners, comforting saints and increasing faith the Reverend Edythe Stirlen's imagined radio church community بعنوان
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Modders changing the game through usergenerated content and online communities بعنوان
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Mediated constructions and lived experiences of place- an analysis of news, sourcing, and mapping بعنوان
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Media influence and agriculture- understanding the clashing com بعنوان
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Love and marriage and local TV news- an analysis of news coverage بعنوان
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Journalism culture in Kunming- market competition, political constraint, and new technology in a Chinese metropolis بعنوان
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It happens here too- examining community newspaper coverage بعنوان
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Immigrant family national borders- mainstream and diasporic news بعنوان
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Image repair and media coverage following sexual assault in college athletics بعنوان
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Identity negotiation on Facebook.com بعنوان
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Growing up Latinita Latina girls, online 'zine production, and identity formation بعنوان
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First- and Third-Person Effects of Alcohol Advertising on Chinese
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Factors Prospective Students Consider When Selecting an MBA Program
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Extending situational crisis communication theory- Attitude and reputation following the 2004-05 NHL lockout
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Excellent leadership in Public Relations- A question of experienc
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