
"وقـل اعمـلوا فسـيرى الله عـملكم ورسـوله والمؤمنـون"

..لمحة عن كليات جامعة دمشق و فروعها... شاركنا تجربتك وكلمنا عن اختصاصك

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حلقــات بحـث
مشــاريع تخـرّج
"وقـل اعمـلوا فسـيرى الله عـملكم ورسـوله والمؤمنـون"
كلية الصيدلة

مواضيع مميزة..

مواضيع ننصح بزيارتها .:Pharmacy:. عش متعة الصيدلة .:Pharmacy:. تقنية الويكي: معاً نحو محتوى عربي رقمي علمي نصنعه معاً .:Pharmacy:. ساحة مشروع ترجمة موسوعة التكنولوجيا الصيدلية .:Pharmacy:. تعو نلازم كلنا سوا .:Pharmacy:. معلومة عالماشي يا صـــــــيــــــــدلــــــي .:Pharmacy:. كل شـــي جـــديــــد .:Pharmacy:. مواقع الشركات الدوائية
مواضيع مميزة:
مـنـتـدى تـرجـمــة وتـدقـيـق أقــســام الـمـوســـوعـة
للتواصل مع الهيئة الإدارية في كلية الصيدلة اضغط هنا
ويكـي فـارما

المركز الإخباري الــصــيدلاني

مشروع ترجمة الموسوعة التكنلوجية الصيدلانية

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    Phamacy speak
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عضــو فضـي

مسجل منذ: 09-06-2008
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رد مشاركة : Phamacy speak

09-11-2010 08:31 PM

(there is nothing to talk about)

this  lead us to important question ??

why does this forum exist??

ملتقى طلاب جامعة دمشق

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جامعـي اســتثنائي

مسجل منذ: 08-02-2010
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رد مشاركة : Phamacy speak

09-11-2010 08:58 PM

like what??????

like ......

why the girls  prefer the pharmacy college 

why the guys prefer other colleges

in our group there are only 4 guys

  why the society see  the pharmacy is the suitable  option for the girls


ملتقى طلاب جامعة دمشق

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عضــو فضـي

ليتنا مثل الاسامي لايغيرنا الزمن

مسجل منذ: 20-09-2009
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رد مشاركة : Phamacy speak

09-11-2010 09:10 PM

i dont think that because u see 1000 visitors (members and visitors) which open topics

but all of them dont have energy to writing and participation 


some people use the forum to only for watching and watching and watching!!!!!


a small proplem may destroy what we have built


why the guys prefer other colleges

not allllll guys

why the society say  the pharmacy is the suitable  option for the girls

cose in medicine or other respectable career you have to be in touch with men

and the society refuse that thing!!!

من لا يقبل بي كحلا لعينيه .. فلا أقبله نعلا لقدمي
...   ...
وليعلم إن كان أنفه فوق النجوم .. فإن النجوم تحت قدمي

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مشاركة : 14


عضــو فضـي

لا تحزن إنَّ الله معنا

مسجل منذ: 19-10-2008
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رد مشاركة : Phamacy speak

09-11-2010 09:24 PM

this is a really really nice idea.. thanks Dr.iron

Eyad.. I'm gonna answer you

what about.....our forum  ....!!! it became very bored

that's because the older pepole who contributed in this forum had the hard experience and learned alot about how to behave here and they told the younger to pay attention and not to speak or right comfortably ... and so.. that make you pepole not happy with this carefull situation ..
but.. trust me .. it's much better for you.. and leave the very funny speach to talk in with your friends..

hala.. there's a problem here.. most of subjects you had mentioned are already discusioned before..
I don't know why I can't abbreviate my answers.. pardon me

اللهم أكرمنا بنور الفهم، وافتح علينا بمعرفة العلم، وسهّل أخلاقنا بالحلم ، واجعلنا ممن يستمعون القول فيتبعون أحسنه.

شاركنا بمشروع الترجمة الجماعي لطلاب الصيدلة.. من خلال صفحة الموقع
تنسيق الترجمة التعاونية للموسوعة التقنية الصيدلانية

ملفاتي المنتهية: الاستشراب الغازي
                            أخطاء المداواة                     

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جامعـي اســتثنائي


مسجل منذ: 01-09-2010
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رد مشاركة : Phamacy speak

09-11-2010 09:33 PM

i think that pharmacy is the most  suitable section for girls cuz they can continue living their life easily with it,and we have to be realistic about that....i mean...at the socity where we live the girls do not have very wild options like guys so she has to be very careful and sensitive about the option that she makes....and i think that  pharmacy is the best option  

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عضــو فضـي

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رد مشاركة : Phamacy speak

09-11-2010 09:43 PM

frankly i think that the pharmacy career need to put it in new rules ...

there arn't accordance between the career in reality and in the faculity ...

between just a vendor and a elitist !!!

ملتقى طلاب جامعة دمشق

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لا تحزن إنَّ الله معنا

مسجل منذ: 19-10-2008
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رد مشاركة : Phamacy speak

09-11-2010 09:45 PM

pharmacy is the most  suitable section for girls cuz they can continue living their life easily with it

easily?!!.. are you sure?
cuz I don't think that sitting in the pharmacy the whole day is that easy
except... if she work only one period (like morning period ).. or if she study for the master and teach in collage for example!
what do you think darling?

ملتقى طلاب جامعة دمشق

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مشاركة : 18

golden pill

عضو ذهبي

~* اغتنم خمساً قبل خمس *~

مسجل منذ: 11-02-2009
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رد مشاركة : Phamacy speak

09-11-2010 09:52 PM

It's very important idea to speak english here

I'll tell you something why i'm not as excited as before about the forum:

since summer all the students here dissapeared ....i tried to wake them up, but i failed ......

the good and scinetific topics are still here, but i usually don't contribute only to thank.....

and beside that.......we have a lot of studying problems that we blame ourselves if we spend much time reading everything

but pay attention: our forum becomes very famous in the school of pharmacy and all the good users of the internet.........i heard more than one time good feedback about the forum

and we are lucky because we can send masseges indirectly to our teachers here.......specially to the mean profs

it becames the" fourth authority" ;i(10 idon't know if it's the right term;


let's put some guidelines for this topic:

-  It's forbidden to write chat abbreviations like (u, 4, cuz........etc)
- It's forbidden to write arabic in english letters...
- Please write here beneficial idioms or terms or proverbs.
- Everyone is welcome to correct others' mistakes or suggest better words
-Do Not be shy to share us your language skills, even if you think that you are just a beginner...........we are here to improve and share skills 

That's all i have for now............... add more guidelines to the first
;page.........What do you think ?

ملتقى طلاب جامعة دمشق

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مشاركة : 19


عضــو فضـي

لا تحزن إنَّ الله معنا

مسجل منذ: 19-10-2008
عدد المشاركات: 1059
تقييمات العضو: 34
المتابعون: 18

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رد مشاركة : Phamacy speak

09-11-2010 10:01 PM

I'll kill you
en shaa allah


ملتقى طلاب جامعة دمشق

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مشاركة : 20


جامعـي اســتثنائي


مسجل منذ: 01-09-2010
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رد مشاركة : Phamacy speak

09-11-2010 10:13 PM

nesreen....hader ...you can be a very good teacher cuz you 're so strict

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