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  Comparison of the Pharmacokinetics of Conventional and Long Acting Formulations of Oxytetracycline in Sheep

Comparison of the Pharmacokinetics of Conventional and Long Acting Formulations of Oxytetracycline in Sheep


Comparison of the Pharmacokinetics of Conventional and Long Acting Fo



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  Thin water films driven by air through surface roughness

Thin water films driven by air through surface roughness


.pdf ( 143 ) :: Thin water film




.pdf ( 228 ) ::



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  H?snul-Muslim : Said b. Ali el-Kahtani



: Said b. Ali el-Kahtani
Kitap hakk?nda k?sa bilgi: H?snul-Muslim Kitap ve Snnetten Mslman?n S???


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  Progress on unstructured-grid based high-order CFD method

Progress on unstructured-grid based high-order CFD method


.pdf ( 152 ) :: Progress on uns


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  Vahdeturl-Vucud : Ali b. Sultan el-Kari



: Ali b. Sultan el-Kari
Yazar, bu kitapta Vahdetul-Vcud akidesininin sap?kl???n? ve ?bn-i Arabnin fi

  Improving student learning through virtual means

Improving student learning through virtual means


.pdf ( 608 ) :: Improving student learni




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  (Isometries on Banach spaces_ vector valued function spaces and operator spaces Chapman and Hall_CRC (2007)

(Isometries on Banach spaces_ vector valued function spaces and operator spaces Chapman and Hall_CRC (2007)


(Isometries on Banach spaces_ vector valued function spaces and opera

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  Modern Fluoroorganic Chemistry_ Synthesis, Reactivity, Applications John Wiley & Sons (2004)

Modern Fluoroorganic Chemistry_ Synthesis, Reactivity, Applications John Wiley & Sons (2004)


Modern Fluoroorganic Chemistry_ Synthesis, Reactivity, Applications J




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  Using SSH Oreilly (2002)

Using SSH Oreilly (2002)


Using SSH Oreilly (2002) - pdf




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  Gregory Chaitin Meta Math   The Quest for Omega Vintage (2006)

Gregory Chaitin Meta Math The Quest for Omega Vintage (2006)


Gregory Chaitin Meta Math The Quest for Omega Vintage (2006)

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  Texas Instruments TI 83 Plus graphing calculator   Guidebook Texas Instruments (2003)

Texas Instruments TI 83 Plus graphing calculator Guidebook Texas Instruments (2003)


Texas Instruments TI 83 Plus graphing calculator Guidebook Texas In




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  Improving ab initio molecular dynamics of liquid water

Improving ab initio molecular dynamics of liquid water


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  Grasping of deformable 3D objects under gravity

Grasping of deformable 3D objects under gravity


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: elazhary2050
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  Kant's Search for the Supreme Principle of Morality Cambridge University Press (2002)

Kant's Search for the Supreme Principle of Morality Cambridge University Press (2002)


Kant's Search for the Supreme Principle of Morality Cambridge Uni

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Shabab SY

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