رسائل ماجستير ودكتوراه » الزراعة والاقتصاد الزراعي
Tough tobacco transitions
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Impacts of riparian buffer vegetation on soil quality physical parameters, 20-23 years after initial riparian buffer establishment
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Improving rural business development one firm at a time- A look at the effects of the USDA 's ValueAdded Producer Grant on firm survival
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Soil moisture patterns and hydraulic properties associated with alternative biomass cropping systems across a landscape gradient
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People in Ecosystems Watershed Integration- Visualizing ecosystem
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Evaluating alternative, diverse cropping systems that include canola, wheat, and red clover in Iowa
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Tradeoffs in ecosystem services of prairies managed for bioenergy
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If you have money you have water-Intersectional influences on women’s participation in irrigation management in Batken, Kyrgyzstan
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Effects of cover crops and tillage in a muskmelon production system
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Diversifying monoculture crops by incorporating prairie buffer strips
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Assessment of wildlife value orientations, state agency credibility, and tolerance for mountain lions in Iowa
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Climate-smart agriculture in Midwest cropping systems- evaluating the benefits and tradeoffs of cover crops
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Soil moisture dynamics in agriculturally-dominated landscapes after the introduction of native prairie vegetation
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The influence of hydrologic and riparian factors on stream channe
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Who is not at the table Land deal negotiations in Southwestern Cameroon
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Reducing Herbicide Use Through Cropping System Diversification- A Case Study at the Iowa State University Marsden Farm, and Some Recommendations for t
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What drives participation in the Farm and Ranch Lands Protection
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A comparison of carbon storage potential in corn- and prairie-based agroecosystems
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Grain amaranth production and effects of soil amendments in Ugand
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The Growing Together Project- Understanding impacts on field day
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Ratios and benchmarks as tools for local food hub decision-making
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