رسائل ماجستير ودكتوراه » الزراعة والاقتصاد الزراعي

تحميل كتاب Farmers' experiences and perceptions of the NAADS Agricultural Extension SystemProgram in Kabale district, Uganda

Farmers' experiences and perceptions of the NAADS Agricultural Extension SystemProgram in Kabale district, Uganda


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تحميل كتاب Value-added agriculture producers-  How they find, obtain and validate knowlege inputs

Value-added agriculture producers- How they find, obtain and validate knowlege inputs


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تحميل كتاب Perceptions of middle, high school and community college agricultural teachers in Iowa regarding agricultural awareness concepts and activities in the

Perceptions of middle, high school and community college agricultural teachers in Iowa regarding agricultural awareness concepts and activities in the


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تحميل كتاب Perceptions of agricultural extension educators regarding livestock waste management education in the North Central Region

Perceptions of agricultural extension educators regarding livestock waste management education in the North Central Region


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تحميل كتاب Production information needs of American Boer Goat Association members in the Midwestern United States

Production information needs of American Boer Goat Association members in the Midwestern United States


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تحميل كتاب Factors that impact agricultural extension training programs for smallholder women farmers in Njombe District

Factors that impact agricultural extension training programs for smallholder women farmers in Njombe District


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تحميل كتاب Assessment of critical thinking skills in undergraduate animal science students and curriculum

Assessment of critical thinking skills in undergraduate animal science students and curriculum


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تحميل كتاب Strength in diversity and diversity of strengths of state FFA officers An analysis of Clifton StrengthsFinder assessment data for state FFA officers,

Strength in diversity and diversity of strengths of state FFA officers An analysis of Clifton StrengthsFinder assessment data for state FFA officers,


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تحميل كتاب Exploring critical thinking skills among undergraduate agricultur

Exploring critical thinking skills among undergraduate agricultur


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تحميل كتاب Supervised agricultural experience instruction in agricultural teacher education

Supervised agricultural experience instruction in agricultural teacher education


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تحميل كتاب Assessment of the factors impacting agricultural extension training programs in Tanzania

Assessment of the factors impacting agricultural extension training programs in Tanzania


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تحميل كتاب The land its everything- women farmland owners and the institut

The land its everything- women farmland owners and the institut


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تحميل كتاب An assessment of the use of the Internet as perceived by fruit farmers in Hebei Province

An assessment of the use of the Internet as perceived by fruit farmers in Hebei Province


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تحميل كتاب Supervisory practices in non-formal educational settings as perceived by agricultural education teacher

Supervisory practices in non-formal educational settings as perceived by agricultural education teacher


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تحميل كتاب Perceptions Regarding Importance and Frequency of Use of Selected

Perceptions Regarding Importance and Frequency of Use of Selected


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تحميل كتاب Determining why agricultural educators are leaving the profession

Determining why agricultural educators are leaving the profession


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تحميل كتاب Analyzing agricultural education student teachers critical think

Analyzing agricultural education student teachers critical think


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تحميل كتاب Secondary school agricultural teachers understanding of the differences between agricultural awareness and agricultural literacy in Iowa

Secondary school agricultural teachers understanding of the differences between agricultural awareness and agricultural literacy in Iowa


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تحميل كتاب Effects of metacognitive instructional strategies in secondary career and technical education courses

Effects of metacognitive instructional strategies in secondary career and technical education courses


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تحميل كتاب Learner Interaction Patterns and Student Perceptions toward using

Learner Interaction Patterns and Student Perceptions toward using


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تحميل كتاب The relative importance of selected educational process professio

The relative importance of selected educational process professio


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