رسائل ماجستير ودكتوراه » الإدارة الهندسية

تحميل كتاب Achieving Reliable Generation & Delivery of Energy Through Robus

Achieving Reliable Generation & Delivery of Energy Through Robus


رسائل ماجستير ،رسائل دكتوراه في الادارة الهندسية .pdf ( 151 ) :: Achieving Re

تحميل كتاب Physical and statistical analysis of functional process variables for process control in semiconductor manufacturing

Physical and statistical analysis of functional process variables for process control in semiconductor manufacturing


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تحميل كتاب Informing the Design and Deployment of Health Information Technology to Improve Care Coordination

Informing the Design and Deployment of Health Information Technology to Improve Care Coordination


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تحميل كتاب Consistency Analysis for Judgment Quantification in Hierarchical Decision Model

Consistency Analysis for Judgment Quantification in Hierarchical Decision Model


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تحميل كتاب Analysis of Stochastic Disruptions to Support Design of Capacitated Engineered Networks

Analysis of Stochastic Disruptions to Support Design of Capacitated Engineered Networks


رسائل ماجستير ،رسائل دكتوراه في الادارة الهندسية .pdf ( 147 ) :: Analysis of

تحميل كتاب Antiviral Resistance and Dynamic Treatment and Chemoprophylaxis of Pandemic Influenza

Antiviral Resistance and Dynamic Treatment and Chemoprophylaxis of Pandemic Influenza


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تحميل كتاب Bridging the Missing Link between Top-down and Bottom-up A Strategic Policy Model for International Collaboration in Science and Technology

Bridging the Missing Link between Top-down and Bottom-up A Strategic Policy Model for International Collaboration in Science and Technology


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تحميل كتاب Engineering of a Knowledge Management System for Relational Medical Diagnosis

Engineering of a Knowledge Management System for Relational Medical Diagnosis


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تحميل كتاب Development of a Technology Transfer Score for Evaluating Research Proposals Case Study of Demand Response Technologies in the Pacific Northwest

Development of a Technology Transfer Score for Evaluating Research Proposals Case Study of Demand Response Technologies in the Pacific Northwest


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تحميل كتاب Multi-Perspective Technology Assessment to Improve Decision Making- A Novel Approach Using Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping for a Large-Scale Transmission Line

Multi-Perspective Technology Assessment to Improve Decision Making- A Novel Approach Using Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping for a Large-Scale Transmission Line


رسائل ماجستير ،رسائل دكتوراه في الادارة الهندسية .pdf ( 142 ) :: Multi-Perspe

تحميل كتاب A computational kinematics and evolutionary approach to model molecular flexibility for bionanotechnology

A computational kinematics and evolutionary approach to model molecular flexibility for bionanotechnology


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تحميل كتاب Exploratory Study of the Adoption and Use of the Smartphone Technology in Emerging Regions Case of Saudi Arabia

Exploratory Study of the Adoption and Use of the Smartphone Technology in Emerging Regions Case of Saudi Arabia


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تحميل كتاب Extending Technology Roadmap through Fuzzy Cognitive Mapbased Scenarios The Case of the Wind Energy Sector of Pakistan

Extending Technology Roadmap through Fuzzy Cognitive Mapbased Scenarios The Case of the Wind Energy Sector of Pakistan


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تحميل كتاب Evaluation of Energy Policy Instruments for the Adoption of Renewable Energy- Case of Wind Energy in the Pacific Northwest U.S.

Evaluation of Energy Policy Instruments for the Adoption of Renewable Energy- Case of Wind Energy in the Pacific Northwest U.S.


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تحميل كتاب An Assessment Model for Energy Efficiency Program Planning in Electric Utilities Case of the Pacific of Northwest U.S.A.

An Assessment Model for Energy Efficiency Program Planning in Electric Utilities Case of the Pacific of Northwest U.S.A.


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تحميل كتاب Innovation Measurement a Decision Framework to Determine Innovativeness of a Company

Innovation Measurement a Decision Framework to Determine Innovativeness of a Company


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تحميل كتاب Mining Dynamic Recurrences in Nonlinear and Nonstationary Systems for Feature Extraction, Process Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis

Mining Dynamic Recurrences in Nonlinear and Nonstationary Systems for Feature Extraction, Process Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis


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تحميل كتاب Analysis of Carbon Policies for Electricity Networks with High Penetration of Green Generation

Analysis of Carbon Policies for Electricity Networks with High Penetration of Green Generation


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تحميل كتاب Green Index Integration of Environmental Performance, Green Innovativeness and Financial Performance

Green Index Integration of Environmental Performance, Green Innovativeness and Financial Performance


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تحميل كتاب Exploring Capability Maturity Models and Relevant Practices as Solutions Addressing IT Service Offshoring Project Issues

Exploring Capability Maturity Models and Relevant Practices as Solutions Addressing IT Service Offshoring Project Issues


رسائل ماجستير ،رسائل دكتوراه في الادارة الهندسية .pdf ( 132 ) :: Exploring Ca

تحميل كتاب A Measurement System for Science and Engineering Research Center

A Measurement System for Science and Engineering Research Center


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