رسائل ماجستير ودكتوراه » في الإدارة

تحميل كتاب The relationship between the contextual intelligence and managerial staff's practice of change management strategies in the UNRWA-GAZA schools

The relationship between the contextual intelligence and managerial staff's practice of change management strategies in the UNRWA-GAZA schools


رسائل ماجستير, رسائل دكتوراة في الإدارة .pdf ( 1028 ) :: The relationship bet

تحميل كتاب The Effect of External Factors on Users' Perceptions toward the Electronic Services at the Ministry of Education Gaza and Their Impact on Users Ac

The Effect of External Factors on Users' Perceptions toward the Electronic Services at the Ministry of Education Gaza and Their Impact on Users Ac


رسائل ماجستير, رسائل دكتوراة في الإدارة .pdf ( 1027 ) :: The Effect of Extern

تحميل كتاب brand building of higher education institutions case study   islamic university of gaza mba students perspective

brand building of higher education institutions case study islamic university of gaza mba students perspective


رسائل ماجستير, رسائل دكتوراة في الإدارة .pdf ( 1026 ) :: brand building of hi

تحميل كتاب impact of e-health system implementation at unrwa gaza health centers on medical performance and health care

impact of e-health system implementation at unrwa gaza health centers on medical performance and health care


رسائل ماجستير, رسائل دكتوراة في الإدارة .pdf ( 1025 ) :: impact of e-health s

تحميل كتاب Impact of job enlargement on employees' motivation and job satisfaction   An empirical study on UNRWA Gaza field ofice

Impact of job enlargement on employees' motivation and job satisfaction An empirical study on UNRWA Gaza field ofice


رسائل ماجستير, رسائل دكتوراة في الإدارة .pdf ( 1024 ) :: Impact of job enlarg

تحميل كتاب Polyethlene terephthalate (PET) preform design   a quality function deployment (QFD) approach

Polyethlene terephthalate (PET) preform design a quality function deployment (QFD) approach


رسائل ماجستير, رسائل دكتوراة في الإدارة .pdf ( 1023 ) :: Polyethlene terephth

تحميل كتاب compensating fund allocation for indurstial sectors in gaza strip using AHP and goal programming

compensating fund allocation for indurstial sectors in gaza strip using AHP and goal programming


رسائل ماجستير, رسائل دكتوراة في الإدارة .pdf ( 1022 ) :: compensating fund al

تحميل كتاب childrens influence on family purchase decision in gaza strip

childrens influence on family purchase decision in gaza strip


رسائل ماجستير, رسائل دكتوراة في الإدارة .pdf ( 1021 ) :: childrens influence

تحميل كتاب The role of marketing information system technology in the decision making process

The role of marketing information system technology in the decision making process


رسائل ماجستير, رسائل دكتوراة في الإدارة .pdf ( 1020 ) :: The role of marketin

تحميل كتاب The role of leadership in strategy implementation in  NGOs in Gaza Strip

The role of leadership in strategy implementation in NGOs in Gaza Strip


رسائل ماجستير, رسائل دكتوراة في الإدارة .pdf ( 1019 ) :: The role of leadersh

تحميل كتاب Impact of human resources management practices on employees attitudes towards early retirement

Impact of human resources management practices on employees attitudes towards early retirement


رسائل ماجستير, رسائل دكتوراة في الإدارة .pdf ( 1018 ) :: Impact of human reso

تحميل كتاب factors affecting learning from projects evaluations in local ngos working in the gaza strip

factors affecting learning from projects evaluations in local ngos working in the gaza strip


رسائل ماجستير, رسائل دكتوراة في الإدارة .pdf ( 1017 ) :: factors affecting le

تحميل كتاب developing forecasting models for unrwa schools in the gaza strip

developing forecasting models for unrwa schools in the gaza strip


رسائل ماجستير, رسائل دكتوراة في الإدارة .pdf ( 1016 ) :: developing forecasti

تحميل كتاب effectiveness of risk management in the domestic tourism sector in gaza restaurants

effectiveness of risk management in the domestic tourism sector in gaza restaurants


رسائل ماجستير, رسائل دكتوراة في الإدارة .pdf ( 1015 ) :: effectiveness of ris

تحميل كتاب applying asuccessful public private partnership in the palestinian water and wastewater sector opportunities and constraints

applying asuccessful public private partnership in the palestinian water and wastewater sector opportunities and constraints


رسائل ماجستير, رسائل دكتوراة في الإدارة .pdf ( 1014 ) :: applying asuccessful

تحميل كتاب Employee relationship management and its effect on employees performance at telecommunication and banking sectors

Employee relationship management and its effect on employees performance at telecommunication and banking sectors


رسائل ماجستير, رسائل دكتوراة في الإدارة .pdf ( 1013 ) :: Employee relationshi

تحميل كتاب effect of laws and regulations compliance level on charities work in the gaza strip

effect of laws and regulations compliance level on charities work in the gaza strip


رسائل ماجستير, رسائل دكتوراة في الإدارة .pdf ( 1012 ) :: effect of laws and r

تحميل كتاب Status of Using Quantitative Methods in Project Risk Management

Status of Using Quantitative Methods in Project Risk Management


رسائل ماجستير, رسائل دكتوراة في الإدارة .pdf ( 1011 ) :: Status of Using Quan

تحميل كتاب Managerial effectiveness of senior managers Acase study of police managers in Gaza strip

Managerial effectiveness of senior managers Acase study of police managers in Gaza strip


رسائل ماجستير, رسائل دكتوراة في الإدارة .pdf ( 1010 ) :: Managerial effective

تحميل كتاب factors affecting the employees turnover at the ministry of high education in gaza governorates

factors affecting the employees turnover at the ministry of high education in gaza governorates


رسائل ماجستير, رسائل دكتوراة في الإدارة .pdf ( 1009 ) :: factors affecting th

تحميل كتاب The Impact of Electronic Word-of-Mouth on Household Customers Behavioral Intention to Change Internet Services Provider

The Impact of Electronic Word-of-Mouth on Household Customers Behavioral Intention to Change Internet Services Provider


رسائل ماجستير, رسائل دكتوراة في الإدارة .pdf ( 1008 ) :: The Impact of Electr

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